Saturday, July 25, 2015

Michael Steinberg: Social Security Disability Lawyer Turned Presidential Candidate

The US presidential election is coming up. Before we know it, it will be time to vote for our next president.

Articles Designed to Inform Everyone about Various Candidates

It’s important to know what the various candidates stand for so we can make an informed choice. I will cover all the candidates from both sides of the political aisle, whether they’re the ones we’ve heard about in the news or ones who are not as well-known.

Michael Steinberg for President

To start off this series, I will focus on a lesser-known candidate from the Democratic party, Michael Steinberg. According to Steinberg’s campaign website, his overall goal, if elected, will be to work with Congress to make the government and economic system fair for all Americans, rather than favoring the incredibly wealthy.

Steinberg Scores Points for Not Attacking Other Candidates

Looking at the website, I noticed right away that he does not attack any of the other candidates. I can tell he wants to fight for solutions both parties will support. He specifically states several times on his site he will challenge the other candidates to spell out their plans, but it does not sound as if he will attack them; rather, he wants to do this during the debates if he is chosen in the Democratic primary. I can appreciate this.

Steinberg Hopes to Gain Notoriety Through Google Searches and Social Media

I can also appreciate Steinberg’s honesty on the FAQ section of his website. Even though he knows Hillary Clinton is a more obvious choice for the Democratic nomination, he hopes to gain notoriety by people googling Democratic presidential candidates. This is how he chose the domain name of his website.

Steinberg’s Campaign Focuses on Those Who Need Representation

Based on everything I could find about Michael Steinberg, he seems like a candidate who truly wants the system to be fair for all Americans. As a Social Security disability attorney with 30 years of experience, he has seen how the elderly, disabled and veterans are impacted by fraud and abuse in the system. The focus of his campaign is to bring to light issues he believes have not been addressed and help those who often cannot speak for or help themselves.

Big Business vs. the 99%: Who Will Win?

Seeing a comparison between Michael Steinberg and Scott Smith, another Democratic candidate, gave me some idea of what Steinberg is up against. According to the comparison, Smith is a successful entrepreneur with a lot of business experience. However, it seems as though he has some ideas for solving the problems with our economy that might not be what we need, as they are designed to only help big business make more money. I will cover Scott Smith in an upcoming article, but this shows what Steinberg is up against.

Steinberg’s Desire to not Cave to Special Interests Poses Challenges

Although it is too early to know for sure how the election will play out, specifically the primaries, it is clear what we are up against. I appreciate Steinberg’s desire to give people other than special interests representation in government, but this will be quite a challenge, as most politicians are funded by special interests. This is true of either party. However, as someone who is dissatisfied with politics today, it is refreshing to know, going in, one candidate is at least thinking about this problem.

Steinberg Unlikely to Make it to Primary Due to Lack of Notoriety

Since almost no one has heard of Michael Steinberg, it is unlikely he will make it in the Democratic primary. There are many Democrats who have declared candidacy who are not as well-known as Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

Despite Reality, Everyone Should Know about All Candidates

Even though this is true, it is important to know about all the candidates. Those who are considering voting in the primary should be informed because the result will determine our choices for the general election. As informed citizens, it is our job to pick the candidate who makes promises he has a chance of keeping, no matter what side of the political aisle he may occupy.